When getting ready to sell your home most people think about how to make the inside of the home look appealing to potential buyers. What many overlook is the importance of the first impression – curb appeal! Giving your home a curb facelift can bring more buyers...
JRC Landscaping is a trusted professional within the industry, as well as with clients across the GTA. For the past several years stone distributors, in order to demonstrate their products to the public, have selected JRC to construct full-scale outdoor space displays...
Drainage issues are one of the biggest headaches for homeowners. Wayward water, either running or still, can do a surprising amount of damage to lawns, patios, decks and foundations. It isn’t all bad news though, it is possible to solve water, flooding and drainage...
Over the past few years homeowners have taken landscaping to new heights and 2024 is no exception! The hottest trends in landscaping are more exciting that ever. Let’s get inspired by looking at the top new trends for this year: Small Garden Celebration Small yards...