Embrace the Beauty of Native Plants in Your Landscaping

Embrace the Beauty of Native Plants in Your Landscaping

  When planning your landscape, it’s easy to be drawn to exotic and colorful plants from far-off lands. However, there’s a growing movement among gardeners and landscapers to focus on native species. Not only do native plants offer stunning beauty,...
How to Choose the Landscape Company that is Right for You?

How to Choose the Landscape Company that is Right for You?

So, you’ve decided to hire a landscaping company to design and build your landscape project – great!  Now you will need to choose the landscape company that best meets your requirements – what’s the best way to do that?  There are a few general rules of thumb that you...
Beauty and Function in Cottage Landscaping Projects

Beauty and Function in Cottage Landscaping Projects

Landscaping projects aren’t just for city homes, cottagers are now seeing the value of landscaping to protect and enhance their getaway homes in cottage country. The advances in new products and landscape techniques have presented cottage owners with exciting new...